Someone said that my design looked a bit like the gentlemen's duel characters, so I drew them and slapped them onto the bottom left corner for good measure.

The horse designs will probably ring a bell for most of you. Since I really had no idea how to approach the design for the horse, I looked around and found some interesting characters for inspiration - and direction. I normally don't work this way since your designs end up reflecting someone else's ideas, but I hit a bit of a wall by this point.
- looney tunes horse (from the opera episode with Elmer's lightning helmet)
- sleeping beauty - the prince's horse
- the no-naked horse

Bottom left picture is drawn by
Merly doodles (yes, that is an alias)

I originally wanted a highly stylized, but otherwise stereotypical dragon - the top three are renditions of Breath of Fire's amazing designs. I ended up going off in my own direction - much my preference.

I combined animal traits with the dragon concept, and ended up with an anteater-dragon and whale-dragon. The center image ended up looking like the starwars monster in Java's pitt - funny, but completely unintentional.

Layouts for the original story that ended up never getting used.
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