Thursday, December 1, 2011

Warm ups

Normally I draw lines in different directions followed by circles. Lately though, I've taken to hopping on facebook and drawing random people from the albums that pop up (at least now that timesink is good for something).

I throw down a couple quick sketches until my line placement starts feeling better, then off I go. It also has the secondary purpose of helping me learn what features to push and recede while retaining the likeness of people, which I admit not being very good at. And if you happen to be irritated, you can amuse yourself by drawing ugly versions.


  1. I still can't believe you updated your blog. LOL But anyway i like these sketches. The first page seems more caricatured than the second which seems like you were going for more realism. I do really like the very top one on that second page. Excited to see more!

  2. nice expressions on these portraits. keep sketching!
