I have been attempting to learn how to colour via photoshop. Wanted to post them to show my progress down the line.

One of my very first attempts.

I... don't really know. Drew the creepy guy and a classmate suggested the kid. Or maybe it was me. Anyway, I had fun colouring the pretty picture, and I learned a lot, so that's all that matters.

I asked if I could use the lineart of one of my classmate's (
Steve Neu) drawings to practice on.

I have also been practicing caricatures, so I figured I may as well colour it as well- these are two attempts at another classmate. Still having a lot of trouble discovering which features to exaggerate and which ones to subdue - but I am improving.
[EDIT]: I was looking through my old files from school, and found this.
I was sketching during a part-time digital concept class I was taking while at Vanarts, and teacher
Stephen Pearce happened upon it. He amped the drawing up. A lot. Since it would just be sitting in some folder otherwise, I wanted to share it - for inspiration at the very least. He's damn good.